Using a Dynamics 365 Finance Lookup

Published: Mar 14, 2023

Using a Dynamics 365 Finance Lookup

Published: Mar 14, 2023
  1. On the Integration tab click on Additional Columns tab.
  2. Click on Add Additional Column button.
  3. The Additional Column window will open.
  4. Name – Enter a name for the column.
  5. Tab off the Name field to enable the Type field.
  6. Type – Select Finance & Operations Lookup from the Type dropdown list.
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  1. Instance – Select the F&O Instance to be used.
  2. Lookup Companies – Select the F&O Companies that the lookup will use.
  3. All Companies – Check the “All Companies” checkbox if you would like the lookup to use all companies.
  4. Lookup Service – Select the name of the service the lookup will use.
  5. Late Bound Lookup – If checked, the lookup will be performed after all other processing is completed.
  6. Include lookup result in scripting – Check this option if the lookup value will be needed in any scripting, for example in a calculation or a run script task.
  7. Return Fields – Select the Return Fields that will be used in the integration.
  8. If No Data – Select the if no data option. This tells the integration what to do if no data was found in the lookup. Options include,
  • Continue
  • Return default value
  • Restrict line out if data exists
  • Restrict line out if no data exists
  • Return failure for current integration line
  • Return NULL
  • Stop processing integrations.
  1. Filter Fields – click Add Filter to enter the matching details for the lookup.
  • Service Field – Select the service field.
  • Source Field – Select the source field that will match the service field.
  1. Save the settings.

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