Creating a Webhook Real-Time Source

Published: Jan 29, 2025

Creating a Webhook Real-Time Source

Published: Jan 29, 2025
  1. Navigate to Data Sources >> Realtime Triggers.
  2. Click the Create Realtime Trigger button.
  3. Select the Rest Service that contains a webhook definition.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Select a Connection.
  6. Select the webhook.
  7. Click the Select Fields button and choose which fields you need for your source.
  8. Choose a Run As User.
  9. Set a Log Action.
  10. Click Validate and then Save.  This will generate a Callback url that you will need to add to you webhook in you source system to link it to SmartConnect.
  11. This source can now be used to create an Integration Process.
Registering Webhook Realtime Source
  1. Click Register or Modify Source on an integration using a webhook.
  2. In the Linked Integrations section check the appropriate event type to trigger on.
  3. When an event happens in the source system that runs the webhook, the integration will automatically process the data.

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