Adding a NetSuite Connector

Published: Sep 01, 2023

Adding a NetSuite Connector

Published: Sep 01, 2023

The NetSuite connector gives you access to all of your NetSuite data, including customers, vendors, items, sales, purchases, and accounts.

Before you add your NetSuite connector, you will need the following:

  • Your Account prefix.
  • Create a new integration for Popdock to get a key and secret.
  • Create a new role and assign permissions for the user accessing Popdock.
  • Create a new access token for the user.

Your NetSuite account prefix

1. Open NetSuite

2. Copy the URL prefix before

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Popdock requires the Account prefix from the URL which may be different than the Account Id used by other applications.

Creating a new integration in Netsuite

1. In NetSuite, select Setup, point to Integration, then Manage Integrations, and then select New.

Setup Manager page in NetSuite.

2. On the Integration page, enter a name and be sure that only the boxes for Token-Based Authentication and User Credentials are checked under the Authentication section. Then select Save.

Integration page in NetSuite.

3. If you receive confirmation that the settings were saved successfully, you will see a Client Credentials section, at the bottom of the page.  Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to a notepad for you to use later when adding the NetSuite connector in Popdock.

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Creating a new role in NetSuite

1. In NetSuite, select Setup, point to Users/Roles, then to Manage Roles, and then select New.

Setup Manager page in NetSuite.

2. Enter a name for the new role and then give it an ID.  Under Subsidiary Restrictions, select ALL for Accessible Subsidiaries.  Nothing else needs to be selected.

Role window in NetSuite.

3. You will be adding permissions to the sub tabs under Permissions.  For the Transaction tab, add the Find Transaction permission.

Transaction tab with Find Transaction permission added.

4. Select the Reports sub tab. Then add the SuiteAnalytics Workbook permission.

Reports tab with SuiteAnalytics Workbook permission added.

5. Select the Lists sub tab. Here you will add the following permissions so that Popdock has access to these default lists:  Accounts, Billing Schedules, Bins, Campaign History, Cases, Companies, Contacts, Customers, Employee Record, Employees, Items, Locations, Partners, Phone Calls, Projects, Promotion, Vendors, and Work Calendar.

Lists tab with Accounts, Billing Schedules, Bins, Campaign History, Cases, Companies, Contacts, Customers, Employee Record, Employees, Items, Locations, Partners, Phone Calls, Projects, Promotion, Vendors, and Work Calendar permissions added.

6. Select the Setup sub tab. Here you will need to add the following permissions: Manage Accounting Periods, REST Web Services, and User Access Tokens.

Setup tab with Manage Accounting Periods, REST Web Services, and User Access Tokens permissions added.

7. Select Save to save your settings for this role.

Adding a role to a user in NetSuite

1. In NetSuite select Setup, point to Users/Roles, and then select Manage Users.

Setup Manager page in NetSuite.

2. Locate and select the user you want to add the new role to.  Once you have the user page open, select Edit.  Then on the sub tabs at the bottom, select Access.  Here under Roles, you will want to add the new role that you just created.  Select the role from the dropdown, then Add.

Access page showing role being added to a user.

3. Now you have added the role to the user.  Select Save.

Creating access tokens for a user in NetSuite 

1. In NetSuite, select Setup, point to Users/Roles then to Access Tokens, and then select New.

Setup Manager page in NetSuite.

2. On the Access Token page, select the new integration you created from the Application Name dropdown.  Then select the user that you have added the new role to and select that role from the Role dropdown.  Token Name will auto populate.

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3. Select Save.  Now if saved successfully, you will have a Token ID and Token Secret. Copy these to a notepad for you to use later when adding the NetSuite connector in Popdock.

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How to add a NetSuite connector

1. Under the main menu, select Connectors from the left navigation to open the Connectors page.

image 12

2. Under Actions in the left navigation menu, select Add connector.

image 13

3. Select the NetSuite connectors.

NetSuite connector

4. Enter all the settings you copied to notepad from NetSuite:  Account, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token, and Token Secret

image 38

5. Select Validate to check that the connection settings are correct. If the validation is successful, select Connect.

Needing further help adding your NetSuite Connector? Email

Your NetSuite account prefix Creating a new integration in Netsuite Creating a new role in NetSuite Adding a role to a user in NetSuite Creating access tokens for a user in NetSuite  How to add a NetSuite connector

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