How to add a Calculated Field to your List

Published: Sep 01, 2023

How to add a Calculated Field to your List

Published: Sep 01, 2023

This article provides you with an example of how to add a calculated field to your list. It uses a scenario where you are taking donations for a charity event that benefits the Girl Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of America.  All proceeds will be divided evenly between the two organizations. The event ran for the month of February, all transactions were processed in Stripe, and they were given the description of “50/50 Charity Donation”.

Calculated fields can use Popdock Script, C#, and SQL (where applicable) operators and methods. This example will be using C#.

How to add calculated fields to a list

1. Under the main menu, select Connectors.

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‍2. Select the Edit icon next to the connector that contains the list you want to add the calculated field to.

‍3. Under Settings, select Lists.

4.  Select the Edit icon next to the list that you want to add the calculated field to. 

‍5. Select Calculated fields from the left navigation.

6. Select Click here to add a calculated field. If you have existing calculations, select Add calculated field.

7. Enter a Name, select the Field type, and enter the formula for the calculation.  Here is a Guide for help creating your formula. 

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For this example, you will set the Field type to Currency. The formula is taking the Amount field and dividing it by 2 for the calculation.  You can insert the Amount field from the column on the left, by double-clicking on it. 

8. With your calculated field created, you can validate it by selecting Test calculation. Then select Click here to validate your calculation.

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9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 if you have more than one calculated field you would like to add.  For this example, a second calculation is added which is identical, but named different.

10.  After adding your calculated field(s), you can select which fields you would like to show by default or add them manually on the list later.  In this example, only these fields will show by default:  Created, Description, Amount, Status, and then the 2 calculated fields that were named Girl Scouts of America and Boy Scouts of America.

11. After you have selected your default fields, you can add the list to a tab.  Select Add new tab and then complete the dropdowns for the list you added the calculated fields to. Then select Add.

Please continue to the article “How to add filters to your list” to see the next steps for filtering this result to only the data for the Charity Event example.

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How to add calculated fields to a list

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