Salesforce connections can be configured using a Security Token. A single connector can be used to connect to both a Sandbox and Production Instance.
Setup in Salesforce
- If the Salesforce Sandbox location is unknown, follow these steps.
- Login to the Salesforce Production environment as an administrator.
- Open Setup and search for Sandboxes.
- Locate the desired Sandbox Location and save this value for later.
- If the security token for the Salesforce User is unknown, follow these steps.
- Log into the Salesforce environment as the user.
- Note: Tokens are unique to each environment/sandbox
- Click on your user profile in the top right of the screen and select Settings.
- Navigate to Reset Security Token.
- Click Reset Security Token.
- A new Security Token will be emailed to the user.
- Log into the Salesforce environment as the user.
Setting up the connector in SmartConnect
- Login to if not already.
- Navigate to Connections > Create Connection button (or edit an existing Salesforce connection).
- Select Salesforce.
- Sandbox/Production – Use tabs to configure Sandbox and Production connections in a single connector.
- Description – Friendly name for the connection.
- Create Tests – If selected, SmartConnect will create the necessary apex tests in order to promote your sandbox objects to production.
- Use OAuth – Leave this box unchecked for token authentication.
- Service URL – URL for the Salesforce Soap webservices.
- Sandbox tab: https://<location> where the location is the sandbox location as found at the start of this article.
- Production tab: Service URL will default and does not need to change.
- Organization Name – Read-only name of Organization (Populated after clicking Validate).
- Organization Type – Read-only Type of Organization (Populated after clicking Validate).
- Default Security (Credentials used for integration run activities).
- Username – Enter the Salesforce username.
- Password – Enter the Salesforce password for the user
- Security Token – Enter the Security Token for the user.
- Administration Security (Credentials used for Apex trigger and class creation).
- Username – Enter the Salesforce username.
- Password – Enter the Salesforce password for the user
- Security Token – Enter the Security Token for the user.
- Details to Production – Information configured on the Sandbox tab will be copied to the Production tab of the connector.
- Reset All Test Mappings – Reset all configured Test Class mappings to their default values.
- Click Validate.
- Click Save.