Setting up a Salesforce Token Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Setting up a Salesforce Token Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Salesforce connections can be configured using a Security Token. A single connector can be used to connect to both a Sandbox and Production Instance.

Setup in Salesforce

  1. If the Salesforce Sandbox location is unknown, follow these steps.
    1. Login to the Salesforce Production environment as an administrator.
    2. Open Setup and search for Sandboxes.
    3. Locate the desired Sandbox Location and save this value for later.
  1. If the security token for the Salesforce User is unknown, follow these steps.
    1. Log into the Salesforce environment as the user.
      • Note: Tokens are unique to each environment/sandbox
    2. Click on your user profile in the top right of the screen and select Settings.
    3. Navigate to Reset Security Token.
    4. Click Reset Security Token.
    5. A new Security Token will be emailed to the user.

Setting up the connector in SmartConnect

  1. Login to if not already.
  2. Navigate to Connections > Create Connection button (or edit an existing Salesforce connection).
  3. Select Salesforce.
  4. Sandbox/Production – Use tabs to configure Sandbox and Production connections in a single connector.
  5. Description – Friendly name for the connection.
  6. Create Tests – If selected, SmartConnect will create the necessary apex tests in order to promote your sandbox objects to production.
  7. Use OAuth – Leave this box unchecked for token authentication.
  8. Service URL – URL for the Salesforce Soap webservices.
    • Sandbox tab: https://<location> where the location is the sandbox location as found at the start of this article.
    • Production tab: Service URL will default and does not need to change.
  9. Organization Name – Read-only name of Organization (Populated after clicking Validate).
  10. Organization Type – Read-only Type of Organization (Populated after clicking Validate).
  11. Default Security (Credentials used for integration run activities).
    • Username – Enter the Salesforce username.
    • Password – Enter the Salesforce password for the user
    • Security Token – Enter the Security Token for the user.
  12. Administration Security (Credentials used for Apex trigger and class creation).
    • Username – Enter the Salesforce username.
    • Password – Enter the Salesforce password for the user
    • Security Token – Enter the Security Token for the user.

Default and Administration security can use the same credentials.

  1. Details to Production – Information configured on the Sandbox tab will be copied to the Production tab of the connector.
  2. Reset All Test Mappings – Reset all configured Test Class mappings to their default values.
  3. Click Validate.
  1. Click Save.
Setup in Salesforce Setting up the connector in SmartConnect

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