Adding a Capsule CRM Connector

Published: Sep 01, 2023

Adding a Capsule CRM Connector

Published: Sep 01, 2023

You can use the Capsule CRM connector to display details of your parties, opportunities, and cases.

How to add a Capsule CRM connector:

1. Under the main menu, select Connectors from the left navigation to open the Connectors page.

image 12

2. Select Add connector.

image 13

3. Select the Capsule CRM connector.

Capsule CRM

4. Select your Connection type, either Log in to Capsule or Token. Then select Validate to continue. If you are using a log in, continue to step 5.

5. Enter your site address and then select Continue.

6307d9d470b361cfe6758d92 capsule enter site address

6. Log in to Capsule.

6307d9d470b3617b9f758b47 capsule login

7. Select Allow. A progress page will be displayed while the connector is initialized.

6307d9d470b3619fa5758b98 capsule authorize

Having trouble adding this connector? Email

How to add a Capsule CRM connector:

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