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Setting up an Integration to Dynamics 365 CE/Sales

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Setting up an Integration to Dynamics 365 CE/Sales

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Target tab

  1. Target – select Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement.
  2. Destination – select a Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement connection.
  3. Organizations – the organization associated with the chosen Destination will default into the field. More advanced configuration can be defined in the Organizations tab section.
  4. Entities To Process – If the data is to create / update / delete information for one or more entities within the destination CRM system, select the required entities from the Entities to process lookup.

Note: More than one entity may be selected in the lookup

  1. Entity Technical Names – the technical name for the Entity/Entities selected in the Entities To Process field will display here.
  2. Save Output to File – mark this checkbox if the data should be sent to a file that can then be downloaded.

Note: No data will be sent to the target when this box is checked

  1. Include Advanced Messages – if the data is to be linked to advanced messages for an entity, ensure that the required entity is selected in the Entities to process drop down. Advanced messages should then appear in the map line grid.
  2. Ignore Duplicate Detection Rules – mark this checkbox if duplicate detection rules on the CRM server should be ignored when creating or updating records.
  3. Target Lines – displays the lines that will be available to be mapped on the Integration tab.

Note: Use arrows or the sequence number to change the order data is sent to the target

  1. Once the required fields have been populated the Integration tab becomes active.

Organizations tab

Use the Organizations tab to add custom logic to the destination target organization. Here you can send data to multiple D365 connectors and organizations as long as all entities and fields exist in each system.

Organizations – Selected

  1. Connections – use this dropdown to add multiple D365 connectors to a single integration.
  2. Connections List – list of available organizations to use in this integration.
    • Selected – when selected data will always be sent to this organization.
    • IncludeInScripting – when selected, the organization will be available on the Custom tab.

Note: If multiple organizations are selected, the integration record count will be multiplied by the number of organizations

Organizations – Custom

  1. Organizations – list of connector and organization combinations that can be dragged into the script.
  2. Source Columns – list of source columns that can be dragged into the script.
  3. Global Variables – list of global variables that can be dragged into the script.

Sample Script

if (this._currency == "USD") {
  return this._may2024update_eOneSandbox;
} else {
  return this._may2024update_D1054NAM0909979

Integration tab

  1. Target Lines – from the dropdown list select the lines that will be mapped.
  2. For Delete – when this checkbox is marked, records from the destination that are in the source will be removed.
  3. Update Existing – when this checkbox is marked, records that already exist will be updated with any changes.
  4. Update Blank Data – when this checkbox is marked, data that is blank in the source will update the corresponding records in the destination to blank if the destination record has data.
  5. Source Grouping tab – select which source(s) to group by and the function for the source.

Note: The fields selected here will be used to find and update existing records in D365

  1. Target Integration tab – this is where the Source data is mapped to the Target data.
  2. Additional Columns tab – data transformation steps

Note: There will be a separate section for each type of Additional Column.

  1. Once the Target field(s) are mapped to a Source(s), the Save button becomes active allowing the user to save the Integration Process.
Target tab Organizations tab Organizations - Selected Organizations - Custom Integration tab

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