With the use of a Popdock widget you can integrate Popdock right into your Acumatica dashboard with just a URL.
Adding a Popdock widget
1. Login to your Acumatica and go to Dashboards on the left navigation menu. Then choose the Dashboard you would like to add Popdock to. This example is using the Customer View dashboard.
2. At the top right of the dashboard select Design. This will switch the dashboard to design view.
3. In the Design view, you will now see some boxes with a link to add a new widget.
4. Select add a new widget and it will open a window with a few options to choose from. Select Embedded Page. Then select Next.
5. The next screen will ask for the Source and Caption. Source will be the URL for the widget and Caption is if you would like a title above the widget. Select Finish when you are done.
6. Now the widget will appear on the dashboard in the design mode still. You can adjust the size if needed. After you have it the way you like, you can select Design again to exit the design view and see how it looks on your Dashboard.
Questions on embedding a widget in Acumatica? Email support at support@eonesolutions.com