Reset Filters

Virtual Integration

Get all your data on the same page

Forget having to chase data and juggling a dozen different apps. Simply find it, where you need it, and in the format you want it in your app. Let us do the heavy data lifting. 

File Integration

Work with data more efficiently

Think different, save on cloud storage

Never miss a sales or support opportunity

Give your team DIY power and freedom

7,000+ businesses of all shapes and sizes

are integrating their data with eOne

Online Directory Service

Axentit logo

Consumer Goods

5 hour energy 2

IT Consultancy

Fmt logo

Software Provider

Cargas logo

IT Consultancy

RSM logo

Media & Journalism

Forbes logo

Popdock widgets

Easily embed external data into your app and work with it in real-time. Configure your list or graph, choose presentation and styling, select your parameters, and publish your widget in just minutes. Then, simply embed it in as an iFrame, NetSuite Portlet, or Salesforce Visualforce page.

Virtual Integration CRM Tile

In your CRM system

Virtual Integration helpdesk tile

In your helpdesk

Virtual Integration Accouting tile

In your accounting system

Virtual Integration dashboard tile

In your dashboard

Virtual Integration collaboration chat tile

In your chat & collaboration tool

Virtual Integration in app tile

In your app

End-user actions

Let your teams take action right from their widgets. From editing or deleting records, to custom actions that you create for them, users can get things done faster and more efficiently, without leaving their apps. Popdock makes data easy to save, share, search and filter through.

Default Actions Visual

Default Actions

Custom Actions Visual

Custom Actions

Save Share Visual

Save & Share

Search Visual


Filter Sort Visual

Filter & Sort

Add Remove Columns Visual

Add/Remove Columns

Export Visual


Group Subgroup Visual


Clear, beautiful visuals

Present your data how’s best for you. Whether you prefer cards, lists, a sidebar, summaries or more, you can easily organize your data, visualize it with graphs, and even dive deeper into related details. Plus, with parameters, you can display any record or summary you need.

  • Configure your list or graph
  • Presentation & styling
  • Select your parameters
  • Publish your widget
  • Embed in your app as an iFrame, NetSuite Portlet, or Salesforce Visualforce page.
Virtual Integration clear visuals

Don’t just display data – show it off 

virtual integration cards


Perfect for displaying key metrics, like the number of sales leads or support tickets.

Virtual Integration favorites

Favorites list

For a quick view of frequently accessed data, like top customers or inventory levels.

Virtual Integration multiple lists

Multiple lists

Showcase different data sets, such as sales by region or employee performance.

Virtual Integration sidebar


For high-level overviews, such as sales by product category or support cases by priority.

Virtual Integration single record

Single Record

Use it to quickly access detailed information on a specific item or user.

Virtual Integration summary


Perfect for displaying a recap, like the total sales or average response time for tickets.

Virtual Integration shipping details

Shipping Details

Dig into the details of a tracking number, such as delivery status and arrival time.

Virtual Integration related details

Related Details

Use it to gain deeper insights into the relationships between different data points.

Virtual Integration graphs


Use graphs to visually represent sales trends, inventory levels over time and more.

Virtual Integration full popdock embed

Full Popdock Embed

Access the full Popdock app from wherever. Perfect for power users and convenient reporting across multiple apps.

Explore eOne’s Virtual Integration Solutions Empower your users with insight to do better work and make better decisions with data from anywhere.

Tap into our 22 years of obsessing over data management

Learn from our data gurus

Learn from our data gurus
Master data management

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Get human, hands-on help
Pick an expert’s brain


Popdock is a universal query engine that can be used by end users across all business systems. Popdock allows those configurable queries to be displayed in a number of ways: Via Popdock’s web browser UI, in Microsoft Excel as refreshable reports, embedded within another business application where users prefer to work, as connected sensitive data snippets for end users or consumed as an API by your developers.

Virtual integration and the features related to it are included with our Popdock pricing plans. You can learn more about pricing for virtual integration here, and Popdock plans can be purchased at the eOne Shop.

Yes, Popdock does offer 10 charts and graphs, which are pretty easy for end users to use to convert a list to a graph. If you need more advanced analytics, we recommend using Popdock data within a business intelligence & analytics platform.

Most customers like seeing legacy data in the app where they work. Any data can be embedded using Popdock widgets in your app. This is nice, because it’s a live look into relevant data, and you can turn on options for your users to work with the data (filter, search, add/remove, columns, export, create new favorites, etc.). Additionally, you can also access legacy data from within the Popdock web app or via the Popdock add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Popdock widgets enable you to take the data from your connector and embed the list or graph into the applications you use daily. A single list/graph or multiple lists can be assigned to a widget, which creates a link that allows you to embed your widget into an html page or customizable application. Options may be enabled to allow for searching, filtering, refreshing, accessing favorites, drill down into details, and taking action on the data presented. See a full list of Popdock widget types here.

Virtual migration refers to displaying legacy data in your new app, being able to work with the data and take action, all without ever creating the legacy data in your new system. Customers minimize their cloud storage costs, and are able to work with all the data they need access to.

Businesses use many applications, which means business-critical data is stored in many locations. Traditionally companies would physically move data from one database to another to share data across applications. This can be a difficult process that results in duplicated or missing data. Virtual Integration refers to connecting apps without the heavy lift of moving the data. Virtual integration allows you to share data across apps by simply displaying any data from any app, inside any other app. Virtual integration makes sharing data across the organization a much simpler and streamlined process. With better data, the whole team is smarter.

Virtual integration and the features related to it are included with our Popdock pricing plans. You can learn more about pricing for virtual integration here, and Popdock plans can be purchased at the eOne Shop.

Ready to get started?

Read the docs

Want to dive deeper into all the details? Take a look at the documentation.


Typically, about 30%-40% of customer’s integrations should be delivered virtually. Learn about the power of Popdock.


Learn more about the different pricing plans. Virtual integration, powered by Popdock, starts at $99/month.