Setting up a Multi Lookup

Published: Jul 11, 2023

Setting up a Multi Lookup

Published: Jul 11, 2023
  1. On the Integration tab, click on Additional Columns tab 
  2. Click the Add Additional Column button
AddAdditionalColumnButton 5
  1. Name – Enter a name for the column
  2. Type – Select Multi Lookup
  3. Category – Select the category that the lookup will be using
    • Options include Activities, Communications, Customization, Entities, File Cabinet, Items, Lists, Marketing, Support, Transactions, and Website
  4. Role Type – Select the Role Type the lookup will be using. These will differ depending on what category was selected
  5. Return Fields – Select the field(s) that will be returned from the Lookup
  6. If No Data – Select the required option if no data is found
Continue SmartConnect will continue with the integration even if no data is found
Restrict line out if data existsIf lookup DOES return data, the integration will not send any lines that use this lookup
Restrict line out if no data existsIf lookup does NOT return data, the integration will not send any lines using this lookup
Return failure for current integration lineSmartConnect will return a failure for that current line that didn’t find a value
Return NullSmartConnect will return a null value
Stop processing integrations SmartConnect will stop processing all records if no data has been returned from the lookup
  1. Return name field for list entries and records – Mark this checkbox if you would like a name field returned instead of the Internal ID for list entries and records 
  2. Include child item lines – Mark this checkbox if you want child item lines to also be available to select for the Return Fields
  3. Process Unmapped Column – If the lookup should be ran even when it is not mapped on the line
    • Use this if the result is only used in another additional column
  4. Include lookup result in scripting – If the result of the lookup should be available to use in Calculated Columns
  5. Lookup filter – Define the criteria of the lookup
    • Field – Select the field to use for the lookup filter
    • Operator – Select the operator for the selected field. The operators will change depending on what type of field is selected
    • Field Type – Select the field type, either Source Column or Local Constant
    • Value From – Select the Source Column or enter the local constant to be filtered on
    • Value To – This option is only available for specific operators
  6. Conditional Return if valid – When defined, Only return a value if condition(s) is met
    • Field Select the source field to be evaluated
    • Operator Select the operator for the selected field.
    • Value – Type in the Value to validate against
  1. Click Save to save the column settings

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