Creating a Salesforce Real-Time Data Source

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Creating a Salesforce Real-Time Data Source

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Setup in Salesforce

  1. In SmartConnect navigate to System > API Settings
  2. Save the value in the API Service URL field.
  1. Log into the Salesforce Environment as an administrator.
  2. Go to Setup > Remote Site > Settings.
  3. Click New Remote Site.
  4. Remote Site Name – Friendly name to identify the remote site.
  5. Remote Site URL – Url copied in step 2.
  6. Click Save.

Setup in SmartConnect

  1. Navigate to Data Sources > Realtime Triggers.
  2. On the Realtime Triggers page click Create Realtime Trigger.
  3. Select Salesforce Real-Time Data Source.
  4. Description – Friendly name for the Trigger.
  5. Connection – Salesforce connection to be used.
  6. Organization – Organization from Salesforce connector to be used.
  7. Click Validate to load Salesforce Object list.
  8. Salesforce Entity – Select the Salesforce object to track changes against.
  9. Trigger On Column Change – select the column(s) that will cause the trigger to run when changed.
  10. View/Edit SOQL – Allows the user to view the SOQL query for the data source and to make any changes to the query.

Do not remove filter at the bottom of the query.

  1. Log Action – Use this option to select what, if anything, should be logged when the trigger runs. The options are: Always Save, Save Failures, Save Successes, None.

Logs will be stored in SmartConnect > Process History > Realtime Process Logs.

  1. Edit Tests: Optionally, navigate here to customize Apex Test class prior to migrating customizations to Production environment.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Navigate to Processes > Integration Processes > Click Add new.
  3. Provide an Integration Id and Description.
  4. Click on the Source tab
  5. Source Type – Select Real-Time Event.
  6. Source – Select Salesforce Real-Time Data Source.
  7. Entity – Select the previously configured data source.
  8. Organization – Will automatically populate with the organization from data source.
  9. Columns – Will automatically populate with trigger columns from data source.
  10. Add at least one field to the Group By list
  1. Map at least one field to the destination to save the integration.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Click Validate.
  5. Click Save.
  6. At the bottom of the Data Source Screen, check boxes for events that will trigger the integration.
  7. Click Register.
    1. Trigger is now registered in Salesforce.

If there are issues running the integration follow the steps in the Salesforce Real-Time Troubleshooting article.

Setup in Salesforce Setup in SmartConnect

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