Popdock allows users to display data from out of the box Dynamics GP SmartLists, as well as any lists created in SmartList Builder or SmartList Designer in Dynamics GP.
1. To add a SmartList Builder list to your Popdock environment, log into Popdock and under the main menu, select Connectors. Then select the Edit icon next to your Dynamics GP Connector.
2. From the left settings menu, select Lists.

3. To add a new list, select Add from the top right corner of the page. Then select Add lists.

4. If your SmartList Builder list is assigned to a Series in Dynamics GP that exists as a Group in Popdock, you will find that list under the matching Group in the Add lists window. You can select that list and then select Add to add that list into your Popdock connector.

After you add your new list, you will see it being added under the Lists header.

Once the list is available in Popdock, you can display the data from the list by creating a new tab. Use the Connector, Company, Group and List dropdowns to locate the newly added list.

Select Add to add a new tab in Popdock. This tab will display the data from the added SmartList and display the columns that were selected as default in SmartList Builder. The other columns that are marked as Display in SmartList Builder but do not show by default may be added by select Columns in Popdock.
Questions on adding a SmartList Builder list? Email support at support@eonesolutions.com