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Creating Tokens for Users in Popdock

Published: Sep 01, 2023

Creating Tokens for Users in Popdock

Published: Sep 01, 2023

Tokens are a feature within Popdock that can enforce security on widgets, named API endpoints, and calling the Popdock API. There are three ways to create a token inside of Popdock and all three will be covered in this article.


Method 1: Inside the User Settings

‍The first method of creating tokens in Popdock is within a user’s individual profile. This is a better method for a developer within your environment who will be testing various API Endpoints and list data endpoints.

1. To create a token for a user in Popdock, select Security from the left navigation to open the Security page.

The main menu in Popdock with Security highlighted.

2. From your list of Users, select the Edit icon to the right of the user you want to assign a token to. This will open up the User’s security profile. Select Tokens under the Settings menu on the left side of the page.

3. Select Click here to add a token.

4. Use the Name field in the Add token window to give your token a name. Then select Add token.

5. This token is now available for use to the user.


Method 2: Inside a Widget

The second method for creating a token is more suited for utilizing token security within your widgets, as it makes it easier to create tokens for multiple users quicker than the Method 1.

1. Select Developer from the left navigation to open the Developer page.

The main menu in Popdock with Developer highlighted.

2. Select Widgets and then locate the widget you would like to add a security token to. Select the Edit icon to the right of that widget. From within the Edit Widget page, select Security under Settings.

3. Select Add Token in the upper right corner of the page.

4. Use the User drop down field in the Add token window to locate the User you want to assign the token to. Then use the Name field to give your token a name. Then select Save.

You also have the option to make this token Read Only. This will prevent the user from making calls with Actions within the widget. Read Only is exclusive to widgets.

5. This token is now available for use to the user. It can be used to enforce token security on any widget the user has access to.

Method 3: API Users

‍An API User is a special type of user who does not have login access to the Popdock web application, but rather can consume data via Popdock through widgets or API calls. To learn how to create an API User visit the following article: Understanding API Users – Applying Security to Popdock Widgets and API Calls.

1. Select Security from the left navigation to open the Security page.

The main menu in Popdock with Security highlighted.

2.On the Security page, scroll down to the API users section and then select Click here to add an API user.

3. The Add API User window will pop up, where you can use the Name field to give your API user a name. You can check the box next to Add an API token to generate an API token for this user from this window. If you select to add an API token, an additional field will appear to create a Token name. After you have completed all fields, select Add.

Note: You have the option of generating an API token after the API User is created as well. Once your API User is created, follow Method 1 Steps 2-5 to create an API token for your API User.

Questions on creating tokens? Contact support@eonesolutions.com.

Method 1: Inside the User Settings Method 2: Inside a Widget Method 3: API Users

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