Creating a REST Service Definition

Published: Jul 11, 2023

Creating a REST Service Definition

Published: Jul 11, 2023
  • From the main Navigation Menu, select Maintenance>>REST Services. 

REST Service Nav

  • On the Rest Services page, click the Create Rest Service button. 
  • The Service section allows a name and an image to be set for the REST Connector.  This name and image will be used throughout the UI to identify this service. 
  • The Settings section will store the information for the Base URL, Request Method, Response Type, Body Type and Authentication Method. 
    • The Base url should be the portion of the url that is static for the service. 
    • The Request method should be the default verb for getting data from an endpoint.  This can be overridden on each endpoint individually when needed. 
    • The Response Type should be set to JSON or XML, based on the payload type for the service. 
    • The Body Type should be set to one of JSON, Text, XML, or URL-Encoded-Form; depending on the payload body for the service. 
    • The Authentication Method should be set to one of Basic, Exchange Token, None, or OAuth2; based on the service.  Exchange Token and OAuth2 will add a separate settings section on the rest service navigation on the left. 
  • The Date/time section allows the Date Format to be specified. The 4 types are Custom, Epoch Milliseconds, Epoch Seconds, or ISO 8601. Epoch time is displayed as the amount of time that has elapsed since January 1, 1970. 
    • Epoch Milliseconds follows a format of: 1583340906149 
    • Epoch Seconds follows a format of: 1583340920 
    • ISO 8601 follows a format of: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD 
    • Custom allows the format to be defined, using the standard .Net datetime formatting. 
  • The main settings can now be saved, and a connection can be set up for services using Basic or no authentication. 

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