Filtering on Dates

Published: Sep 01, 2023

Filtering on Dates

Published: Sep 01, 2023

There are two types of values that can be used to filter dates in Popdock; constant date values and relative date values.

Constant date values are dates that don’t change over time. For example, you can select October 21st, 2020 as a constant date value.

Relative date values are calculated based on the current date. You can use these date filter values to create favorites that change based on when you use them. For example, you can create favorites that show you the current month’s sales or tickets that are overdue.

Relative date types

Today – The current date.

Tomorrow – The date that follows the current date.

Yesterday – The date that precedes the current date.

This week – The current week (Sun. thru Sat.) based on the current date.

Last week – The previous week (Sun. thru Sat.) based on the current date.

Next week – The following week (Sun. thru Sat.) based on the current date.

This month – The current month based on the current date.

Last month – The previous month based on the current date.

Next month – The following month based on the current date.

This quarter – The current quarter (using standard calendar quarters) based on the current date.

Last quarter – The previous quarter (using standard calendar quarters) based on the current date.

Next quarter – The following quarter (using standard calendar quarters) based on the current date.

This year – The current year based on the current date.

Last year – The previous year based on the current date.

Next year – The following year based on the current date.

This fiscal period – The current fiscal period based on the current date.

Last fiscal period – The last fiscal period based on the current date.

Next fiscal period – The following fiscal period based on the current date.


How to add a relative date filter

1. Select a date field to filter on. The date value will default to today’s date.

image 85

2. Select the Edit icon before the date value field and select Select date value.

image 86

3. Select a date comparison value from the date comparison value list.

image 87

– To filter a date for the current month, create a filter with a comparison type of Equals with a comparison type of this month.

– To filter on overdue dates, create a filter with a comparison type of less than and a value of today.

Questions on filtering dates? Email support at

Relative date types How to add a relative date filter

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