Embedding a Widget into a Generic Inquiry in Acumatica

Published: May 09, 2024

Embedding a Widget into a Generic Inquiry in Acumatica

Published: May 09, 2024

Integrate Popdock widgets into your Acumatica Generic Inquiry. This guide will take you through the process step by step, including adding parameters for data filtering. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to incorporate Popdock widgets into your workflow, enhancing your ability to access and visualize data from multiple sources within Acumatica.

A Popdock widget will need to be created prior to following these steps because you will need the widget URL.  Click here to learn How to Create a Popdock Widget.

Set up the Widget in Popdock and Creating Parameters for your Widget

1. Begin by configuring your widget in Popdock with the necessary data.

2. With your widget configured, select Parameters from the left settings menu.


2. Under Parameters, select URL parameters and then select Click here to add a parameter.

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3. In the Name field, provide a name for your parameter. Next, using the Parameter type dropdown, select Add filter on field. Then select the Field from your list that you want your widget to filter on within Acumatica. This example uses the Organization name field coming from the Tickets list and the Name is Account Name. Select Add once you have determined the Name and Field.

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4. With your parameter in place, select Preview to test your widget and parameter.

5. Using the available Account Name field, provide an Organization name from your list and connector. You can adjust the theme by selecting the Theme drop down menu. Select the user token to use for the widget, from the User dropdown. Next, select the link that reads Select the parameters to pass to the widget, then click here to display the preview. In this example, the Account Name is Giordanos and the widget has an Acumatica theme.

Notice that once you select the ‘Select the parameters…’ link, the URL for your widget will change to display the parameter(s) you have added, along with the theme and token.

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6. After you confirm your widget returns data with your parameter in place, select the Clipboard icon next to your widget URL to copy the URL. This link will be used to populate your widget within Acumatica.

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Embedding your Widget on a Generic Inquiry in Acumatica

1. In Acumatica, locate the generic inquiry you want to display your Popdock widget on. Select the Customization dropdown menu and then select Edit Generic Inquiry.

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2. Select the Navigation tab.

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3. Select the + icon under Navigation Targets to add a new row.

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4. In the new Navigation Target row, paste your widget URL that you copied from within Popdock in the open Link field.

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5. When you copied the Widget URL from the preview, whichever parameter was selected is at the end of the URL, by default. Therefore, you will need to navigate to the end of the URL and delete everything after the equals sign of each parameter.

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6. Replace the deleted portion of the URL with a variable placeholder surrounded by double parentheses on both sides. In this example, you will notice the placeholder of Organization Variable is being used. This will look like this within the URL: ((organizationvariable)). With your variable placeholder in place, press Tab.

Parameters enclosed within double parentheses (()) are dynamic parameters set by Acumatica.

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7. In the Window Mode field for your Navigation Target, select Side Panel from the dropdown menu.

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8. With the Navigation Target fields complete for your Popdock widget, click on the + icon under Navigation Parameters to add a new row.

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9. Select your variable placeholder from the Field dropdown menu.

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10. Select the Parameter field. Then using the available dropdown, select the field from the generic inquiry that matches the parameter field selected within your Widget list.

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You can select the icon you want to display for your widget within the sidebar by using the Icon dropdown menu above Navigation Parameters.

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11. With the Navigation Parameter in place, select the Save icon under Generic Inquiry.

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12. Navigate back to your Generic Inquiry page. In the upper right corner, select the Navigation Target Icon that you selected.

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13. Your Popdock widget is now available with your parameter passed through. You can adjust the size of your widget on the page by selecting the icon in the upper right corner of the list.

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Displaying external data on a generic inquiry in Acumatica is made easy Popdock. If you have additional questions about embedding data via Popdock in Acumatica, contact support@eonesolutions.com for assistance.

Set up the Widget in Popdock and Creating Parameters for your Widget Embedding your Widget on a Generic Inquiry in Acumatica

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