How to add a Pipedrive Connector
1. Under the main menu, select Connectors from the left navigation to open the Connectors page.

2. Under Actions, select Add connector.

3. Select the Pipedrive connector from the list of connectors.

4. Select Login online for the Connection type.

5. Select Connect and then log into your Pipedrive account.
6. You will be redirected to log into your Pipedrive account. Use the available fields to enter your Email and Password. Then select Log in.

7. The following prompt will appear. Select Continue to the App to complete validation.

8. You will be redirected back to Popdock once validation is complete. Next, click Connect from the left Actions menu.

9. You will see the following prompt again. Select Continue to the App to establish the connection between Popdock and Pipedrive.

10. You will be taken back to Popdock to your list of connectors where your Pipedrive connector will begin installing. Once complete, it will be available in your list of connectors and ready to use.

Having trouble adding this connector? Email support at