The SQL Server connector gives you access to any table or view in a SQL Server database.
How to add an SQL Server connector
1. Select Connectors from the left navigation pane to open the Connectors page.
2. Select Add connector.
3. Select the SQL Server connector. This will open a new window to start the creation of the connector.
4. Use the Connection type drop down menu to select the connection type you are using. You can select Standard, Gateway with basic authentication, or Gateway with token authentication. If you did not install the SQL Gateway select Standard.
· Standard: Enter your SQL Server address in the Server field. This may be a web address or an IP address. In the Port field, enter the port number if you are using something other than the default port. Enter the name of the Database and enter the database’s Username and Password.
Note: You should not use an existing SQL Server user to connect. You should instead create a new user with read-only access.
· Gateway with Basic Authentication: In the Gateway URL field, choose the URL that was used in IIS, then enter the Username and Password that you created during set up.
· Gateway with Token Authentication: In the Gateway URL field, choose the URL that was used in IIS, and then use the token you created during setup.
5. Select the Validate button from the Action menu.
6. Select the Connect button.
7. Select the tables you would like to add as lists in Popdock and start accessing data.
Questions on setting up your SQL Server Gateway? Contact