How to add a SmartConnect Connector
1. Under the main menu, select Connectors from the left navigation to open the Connectors page.

2. Select Add connector under Actions.

3. Select the SmartConnect connector from the list of connectors.

4. Using the Base URL dropdown menu, select the region of the server that your SmartConnect instance runs on. The Base URL will denote this.

5. Using the remaining fields, enter the Email, Password, and Customer ID associated with your SmartConnect account. To determine your Customer ID, visit How to Access Registration Keys, Account Codes, & Customer IDs.

6. After you have completed all fields, select Validate in the Actions menu.

7. Once validated, select Connect.

8. You will be redirected to your list of connectors. Once your SmartConnect connector is generated, it will be available within the list of connectors and ready to use.

Having trouble adding this connector? Email support at