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SmartList Suite – Included with Popdock


SmartLists have never been faster.

Team still 11

View & work with SmartLists

Customize favorites & share.

Use unlimited filters.

Access inside Dynamics GP or outside, locally.

Give everyone the access they need

01 SmartView Internal

Reseller Partners

Open SmartView inside GP

One of the best things about SmartView is that it is available inside Microsoft Dynamics GP just like SmartList is, which means your Dynamics GP users can stay efficient without leaving Dynamics GP to access their reports.

Some good reasons for using Smartview:

  • Navigate to SmartView in your Dynamics GP menu.
  • Save tons of time pulling reports.
  • Customize and share reports easily with colleagues.
  • Total/subtotal with grouping/subgrouping.

02 SmartView External

Product Growth Partner

Open SmartView from your desktop.

SmartView is also available outside of Microsoft Dynamics GP which means everyone inside your organization can now share in and benefit from easy access to your Microsoft Dynamics GP data. SmartView can be launched from your desktop, saving you money by allowing you to buy fewer licenses of Microsoft Dynamics GP. Since you probably don’t want everyone to see all the data, you can use SmartList Builder, SmartView Favorites, and SmartView security to control and configure the SmartView experience. 

SmartView External benefits:

  • Save on Dynamics GP licensing.
  • Use SmartView security to control data access.
  • A very quick way for non-GP users to access GP reports.
  • SmartView users must be within an approved network to access the GP data.

See GP data inside out

There is a reason you spend so much time collecting data within Microsoft Dynamics GP – and that is so you can find it instantly when you need it and use that data to make your business run day today. SmartView gives everyone in your organization the exact data each person needs to do their job.

FeatureWays SmartView will make your day better!
SpeedCut and Paste selected records directly from SmartView to Excel, Word, or an email.
Microsoft ExcelWhen you group you will receive auto subtotaling of all your data. So group by customer to see totals by customer.
Full Screen
Use every bit of your screen to view our data. No more white spaces!
Unlimited FiltersThere is no limit at all on the number of filters you can have. You can mix and match AND’s and OR’s to get exactly what you are looking for
Single Screen
Eliminate up to 7 mouse clicks, by having everything on one screen.
Group Group your data by any field, with a simple drag-and-drop function. It’s like creating your own reports on the fly.
SubtotalExport your lists to PDF, Excel, or CSV. SV has been timed at being 10 times faster than a SmartList export
SortSort how you please, even by a number of columns simultaneously
GoTo’sAll the goto’s from SmartLists and SmartList Builder are available to make navigation into Microsoft Dynamics GP a breeze.
ExportOpen multiple instances of SmartView to let you multi-task and look at multiple lists simultaneously.
Multiple InstancesOpen multiple instances of SmartView to let you multi task and look at multiple lists simultaneously.
ColumnsAdd, remove, and reorder columns by simply dragging and dropping where you’d like them to go.
RestrictionsOnly see the data you need, when you need it.
FavoritesCreate the view you go back to most and save it as a favorite. You can even share that with your team.
SearchingSearching across all your data or by column.

Efficiently report on GP with SmartView

  • Plug into an easy-to-use, practically DIY data management ecosystem
  • Ready, set, close! Boost your efficiency and get better results for your customers.
  • Access SmartLists efficiently.