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Zendesk Data Integration

No more code.  Deliver custom automation and integration requirements for Zendesk without hiring developers.
Core Experience Helpdesk Integration
Created By eOne Solutions
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Multi-System Integration
Real-Time Integration
Virtual Integration
File Integration
Multi-System Integration

Generate data at the right time in the right place between Zendesk Support and all your cloud and on-premise apps.  ​

eOne’s SmartConnect allows you to take control of every part of your integration through a consistent and user-friendly interface that doesn’t require developers or coding knowledge to use.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Integrate without code.
  2. Lower your project risks.
  3. Deliver results faster.

Licensing Required

SmartConnect Premium Plan

Real-Time Integration

If real-time integration is your requirement, we have options for you:​

  • Trigger a SmartConnect Integration based on a change in Zendesk to generate data.
  • Call the SmartConnect API to pass through your data and run an integration. 
  • Virtually integrate Salesforce data in other apps by using Popdock widgets and embedding external data in Zendesk.  Embed and display data with a real-time look into Zendesk Support data in other applications, like recent communication, for the rest of your team to have visibility.  Popdock widgets can be implemented quickly and without code.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. No- or low-code integration.
  2. Timely and accurate information.
  3. Better decision-making.

Licensing Required

SmartConnect Startup Plan or above.

Popdock Startup Plan or above.

Virtual Integration

Sometimes generating data is not the right solution and embedding a real-time display is.  Virtual integration is a powerful integration option that lets you configure your Zendesk integration in minutes, not weeks, and reduces the complexity of your integration.

Embed and display external data from Zendesk without code using Popdock widgets and other app data in Zendesk:

  • Embed detailed Popdock reports that include Zendesk data in your app.
  • Embed detailed data from other apps in Zendesk.
  • Embed data with parameters related to specific records, like transactions from your ERP related to specific Zendesk organizations or tickets on the record.
  • Allow your users to view related details like invoice lines related to invoice headers.
  • Allow your users to use Popdock actions to do things like open records or run a process.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Integrate in minutes, not weeks.
  2. Real-time integration, every time.
  3. Relevant, convenient insight in app for users.
  4. Interface for users to view and take action on the data.

Licensing Required.

Popdock Premium Plan.

File Integration

Don’t let native file options or custom development bottlenecks limit you or slow you down.  eOne’s file integration options are flexible and allow you to move faster.

File imports to Zendesk

Files come in a lot of different formats.  Configure your mapping to any field in Salesforce and use data transformation options to ensure your data fits perfectly.  Available with all SmartConnect plans.

Trigger in real-time or on a schedule from your folder.

SmartConnect’s file integration from local locations, FTP/SFTP, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft SharePoint folder locations. Available with all SmartConnect Plans.

Run integrations from the SmartConnect Excel-Add-in

End users love this feature.  Allow users to select integrations and run them right from Excel.  Included with all SmartConnect Plans.

Refresh reports into Excel with the Popdock Excel Add-in

End users love this feature as well.  Refresh any Popdock standard or custom list with customizations into Excel.    Included with all Popdock Plans.

Export and email Popdock Reports to Files on a Schedule

Create advanced, customized Popdock reports with Zendesk data and send them to the right people on your schedule. Available in the Popdock Premium Plan.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Enhance productivity.
  2. Reduce errors.
  3. Manage data with ease.

Licensing Required

SmartConnect Premium Plan

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