After running the SmartConnect 21 configuration utility, how can I tell if the WCF web service is installed/working correctly?
1. After running the configuration launch IIS (internet Information Services) on the machine where you configured the web service.
2. Inside of IIS, expand the “Sites” folder and look for the “SmartConnectWCF” site and click on the site to highlight it.
2. After highlighting it, go to the bottom tab, and select content view, then right click on the “SmartConnect.svc” file and select browse
3. This should open your default browser and display the web service, if it is running correctly it will look like this.
4. Now replace the word “localhost” with the server displayed in IIS. So in my case, the server is named EONE. Replace the name, and hit the refresh button in your browser to make sure it resolves by name. So in my case, the URL will be http://EONE:5557/SmartConnect.svc/
The browser should show the same screen, however the name will be the server name instead of localhost.
The above test validates that the web service URL is resolvable by name.
5. This next test will call a web method that will validate the connection. Using the same browser window type in “validatesession” after the last forward slash. So in my screenshot the URL is going to be http://EONE:5557/SmartConnect.svc/validatesession/ When prompted you need to type in the email address and password of a SmartConnect user. (Any user that exist in SmartConnect will be able to call this method). In my screenshot the email address is and I have typed my password.
If the method works correctly, it will give you the number of logins that have been added to SmartConnect security. This will run for any SmartConnect user, even if the person is not an admin This verifies that the username typed in has access to SmartConnect, and that their username and password are valid.
6. The last test will tell you if SmartConnect security is functional and will display which maps the user has access to. Replace the word “validatesession” with “getmaplist”. So in my example below, the URL will be http://EONE:5557/SmartConnect.svc/getmaplist/ It may or may not prompt you for credentials depending if the login information was still cached in the browser.
The method will show which maps a user has access to, so if you type in credentials of a SmartConnect administrator it will show all maps. if you type in the credentials of a standard user, it will only show the maps the specific user has access to. I am going to use my user which is an administrator in SmartConnect, so I should see all the maps. This tests if SmartConnect map security is functioning.
If you get a list of maps, then the SmartConnect web service should be fully functional and you should be able to use the SmartConnect web service without issues.
If you get a 403 or similar error or else configuration errors – it probably is that IIS isn’t configured as SmartConnect expects it to.
Refer to the following KB and verify the settings on IIS contain at least these settings.
HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden when browsing the SmartConnect web client – eOne Solutions