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Using Popdock’s User Variables to Optimize List Performance

Published: Aug 19, 2024
Post Author Written by Joseph Barb

Popdock User Variables is a feature that allows you to set specific restrictions on individual lists. This can either enforce default restrictions when the list is accessed or require users to input a value before retrieving data. Implementing these options can help prevent users from querying all data at once, improving overall performance.

In this example, we will add User Variables to the Dynamics GP Sales Line Items list. This list often contains a substantial amount of data, and users typically do not need access to the entire historical dataset. By incorporating User Variables, we can limit the data returned and improve performance.

Follow these steps to set up Popdock User Variables:

Access the List Settings:
  1. Edit the Connector with the list.
  2. Navigate to the list you want to configure and click the Edit Icon for that list.
  3. In the list settings menu, click on Variables.
  1. Under User Variables section, click the link to add a User Variable.
  2. First we will add a variable for the Customer No., it is a String Field Type and I will leave the default value blank and check the required box to make this field required (By making this field required and leaving the default value blank, it will pop up the variables at the launch of the list so that the user has to enter a value before the list will go and query for the data.)  
  1. Click Save when you are done. You now have one user variable added.
  1. You can then continue adding more variables. I will add one more for a date field so that the data gets restricted down more. Click the Add Variable button.
  1. Here I have added the Document Date User Variable as a Date Field type and left the default Constant value type as well as the default date of the day I create the variable. I am also making this field required by checking the required box.
  1. Now you should show these two User Variables.
Setup Your Default Restrictions
  1. In the list settings menu, click on Restrictions.
  1. Under the Restrictions section, click the link to add a Restriction.
  2. In the Add Restriction window, you will want to configure the restriction that your first User Variable is going to filter on.  Here I am restricting on Customer number field and have it equal to what the user enters for the Customer No. User Variable.
  3. When selecting your Value, be sure to click on the icon to get the options and choose Select Variable.
  1. For the Applies To, leave it on the default of Everyone. (This restriction feature allows you to specify a restriction for a specific user.)
  2. Click Add when you are done.
  1. Next let’s setup another restriction for our other User Variable Document date by clicking on the Add Restriction button.
  1. In this Restriction, I will want to set the Document date to be Greater Than or Equal To for the Restriction Type and I will leave it on the default date which is usually day you configure it.
  1. Click Add when done and now you should show both Restrictions for both your User Variables.
Launching the List
  1. Now you are ready to test your list with the User Variables.  Start by going back to your Home page and click the Add New Tab.
  2. Select your list from the options and click Add.
  1. You will see the Filter window automatically popup before the list even gets data and it shows the Customer No. variable as required, if you do not enter a customer number it will show the following error.
  1. Enter a value for Customer No. and set the date that you will want to return in your data.  (The Data in our environment is from the future so I left my date on the default)
  2. Adjust the record count if needed, then click Save.
  1. Now it queries my Sales Line Items with the Restrictions of:
    • Customer number = RAINBOWR0001
    • Document date >= 6/28/2024

By following these steps, you can effectively manage data queries and enhance the performance of your Popdock lists.  Any favorite now that you create from this list will inherit the User Variables settings as well.

Questions on setting up your User Variables or Restrictions? Contact support@eonesolutions.com.

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