I’ve installed a new Microsoft Dynamics GP Client and when I save my Extender Window, I’m expecting to see the dialog:
In order to use this Window in SmartConnect an Extender View must be created with the same name as the Window. Would you like to do so now?
However, the dialog never appears. How can I make this dialog appear as expected?
This dialog comes from the SmartConnect GP Addin – if the application isn’t installed into this instance of Dynamics GP, then the user won’t receive the prompt.
To install the application:
1. download the correct version of SmartConnect for your install from the eOne SmartConnect download page.
2. unzip the SmartConnect 20xx.zip file
3. inside the SmartConnect 20xx.zip file, there will be another SmartConnect GP Addin 20.xx.zip and unzip that
4. Run the SmartConnect GP Addin 20.xx.exe to install the SmartConnect GP Addin by choosing the correct GP version and install path.
5. Launch Dynamics GP by right-clicking on the shortcut and choose “Run as administrator” to properly install the application
If the above has been installed and the dialog still doesn’t show as expected, verify that you are logged in as the ‘sa’ user. The SmartConnect GP Addin only looks for the ‘sa’ user to present the dialog – no other user including PowerUsers or having SQL sysadmin permissions will get this dialog, only the ‘sa’ user.