
SOP Taxes not automatically calculating when using SmartConnect and Avalara AvaTax

Published: Dec 29, 2020
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

When importing a SOP Batch using SmartConnect, my taxes are not getting automatically calculated, I am using Avalara AvaTax

Avalara does not have any eConnect procedures that will automatically trigger a tax calculation on documents pushed in from outside of GP.   The tax calculations are only triggered on manually keyed transactions.  

The approach to handling tax calculations in a batch created via integrations like eConnect or SmartConnect, is through the AvaTax SOP Batch Update Utility, located under: Tools – Utilities – Avatax – Update – SOP Tax Update Utility.

If you have any questions about running the AvaTax update utility, you would want to contact Avalara at their website here:  Avalara AvaTax 

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