I’ve noticed that in SmartView for many of the “Transaction” types of reports such as Payables Transactions display a “Status” panel that shows checkboxes for Work, Open, and History. Or Sales Transactions showing Posted & Unposted checkboxes. The user can check or uncheck the boxes to have an additional filter that is additional to the normal filters that can be added to the reports.
If you’d rather watch a video explaining this, click here.

What is puzzling is that I would expect the same Status panel on other reports as well, but SmartView doesn’t always show them, and I have seen at other clients they can & do display but not consistently such as this one for Purchase Orders.

Why do not all “Transaction” type reports consistently display the Status panel in SmartView?
In SmartView, most, if not all, of the “Transaction” types of reports DO show the Status panel for out-of-the-box GP reports.
However, if the report is created with or Modified by SmartList Builder, then SmartView will not display the Status panel.
The modification might be intentional such as below, the Purchase Order report was modified with SmartList Builder to add an additional script to the report.

However very often, this modification is unintentional, and the report is “saved in SmartList Builder” and would display as modified but with no actual changes. This blog article discusses how to determine this and how to easily delete the report in SmartList Builder to revert back to the original SmartView report with the Status panel again.
In any case, while the Status panel is useful for quick changes to filter the SmartView report by Document Status, the user can always add a normal report Filter to filter the data by the same criteria.