
Salesforce Destination map fails with the generic error: Processing failed for data rows matching ExternalID

Published: Aug 19, 2024
Post Author Written by Pat Roth

I’m using and we run multiple large scheduled integrations to Salesforce. Sometimes we get failure notification emails that say the map run has failed with a non-specific error message such as this:

275 EmailErrorMessage

It seems that after a map fails with that error, any maps ran with a Salesforce destination all fail with the same error. What is odd is that the next day if the map is executed with the same data it will probably integrate fine and without errors.

What is happening and how to resolve the error?

There doesn’t seem to be an obvious error noted by SmartConnect in the email sent of the exact reason why this failed – the next place to look in is the System Events window.

Process History | System Events

275 API Request Limit2

Filtering by the ExternalID referenced in the error, DID log more information about why this error was given.

The error message from the System Events for this ExternalID is:

Salesforce has API call limits that vary according to the Salesforce license. In this case, it appears that the customer has a limit of 133000 API Requests per 24 hours and the volume of data processed exceeded that limit and SmartConnect received this error and logged it. Once this limit is reached, every request after that would also fail.

This might not be due to trying to integrate 133000 records – the Salesforce Integration could also have “lookups” on the map which would also count toward that API limit as SmartConnect has to “look up” whatever the lookup was for.

If this is the amount of data that is typically integrated daily – the only “workaround” to this would be to work with Salesforce to change the plan and get that limit increased to avoid disruption. As a point of comparison, the free Developer account only allows 15000 API Requests per 24 hours.

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