Often times it makes it easier to troubleshoot SmartConnect errors if you can see the exact data that is being submitted to eConnect. You can do this by running a map to XML file and then opening up the file in a XML Editor.
Follow these steps to output a map to Microsoft Dynamics GP – File.
1. Narrow down your source file to just have the documents that fail in it. SmartConnect is going to create 1 XML document per GP record, so you want to run it just for the specific records that are giving you errors.
2. Open up the map and go to the Destination section of the map. Change the destination of the map to “Microsoft Dynamics GP – File”. When you select this destination, a new field appears in the destination called “Path”. Hit the browse button to browse this to a folder you have created to save the files in. The window will look like this.
3. Then run the SmartConnect map again. The documents should all appear to go in successfully, however this is because it is creating XML files instead of submitting to the eConnect service.
4. Open up the folder where you pointed the documents, you will have a series of XML documents in there named with the following format:
SC – SQL Server and Instance – Intercompany ID – Map ID – Document Number.xml
So in the following screenshot you can see my map created 2 XML documents, my SQL Server was named “eone-2014eone” my Intercompany ID was “TWO”, my Map ID was “MYCUSTOMERS”, and I have 2 documents in total.
5. If you open the documents in an XML editor you can see what is actually getting sent to the eConnect service. I typically use Internet Explorer since it’s normally installed on every machine, however you can use any XML reader you want. In my case I opened up the first document and you can see the data that is being submitted to eConnect.