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Our company uses Excel Report Builder heavily but after updating Microsoft Dynamics GP to a newer version, we find that when publishing a new Excel Report Builder report – the “Reports Library” is no longer an option, only “SharePoint” and “File”. Is that not a feature in this version of Microsoft Dynamics GP and SmartList BUilder?

There shouldn’t be any differences in this functionality between versions of SmartList Builder and this option isn’t a “Setup Option” in Excel Report Builder – instead the options comes from a Dynamics GP Setup window.
To setup the Reports Libary option, navigate to the Reporting Tools Setup window by using Tools | Setup | System | Reporting Tools Setup menu.

Select the Excel tab and set the Location dropdown to be “Network Location” and enter the Reports Directory to the network location where the Reports Library is located.
Once this path is set up, going back to the Publish Reports window, the “Reports Library” will again be an option.