
Optimizing Popdock Performance When Connecting to Business Central with Multi-Entity Management (MEM)

Published: Jan 31, 2025
Post Author Written by Joseph Barb

The Binary Stream product, Multi-Entity Management (MEM), for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central centralizes the processing of purchase orders, receipts, payroll, invoices, and more. When using a Popdock list that queries a standard page available in Business Central containing MEM fields, you may experience performance issues with retrieving data. One specific list that is commonly impacted and almost every time unusable because of MEM, is the General Ledger Entries list. The way MEM is setup to work causes Popdock to have performance issues when retrieving the data. The more companies you have the more the issues will be apparent in Popdock when retrieving data.

The solution for the performance issues around MEM is to use Popdock’s Query Builder to create custom queries to publish to your Business Central environment and this method allows Popdock to query for the multi-company data and retrieve data quicker. The data comes from a read-only replica database that is only seconds behind the live database and allows you to run heavy queries without impacting the live production database.

How To Add The G/L Entry Table Using Query Builder

If you are wanting to add the G/L Entry Table through Query Builder follow the steps outlined in the following (How to Create a Query Builder List), but give your Query Builder list a name relative to General Ledger Entries (Step 7) and when you search for the table in the drop down (Step 8), search for “G/L Entry”. Once you have this table added you can continue to add the fields you would like and any restrictions if you wanted to restrict for specific data. You can also add a join to another table to the G/L Entry table if there is other data in another table that you require for your Query Builder list.

For any questions or additional support, contact the eOne support team.

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