
“Failed to create the template” error when using the Excel Template generator

Published: Jan 27, 2014
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

While trying to create an Excel template, receiving an error that “Failed to create the template”

This is usually caused by one of four things.

1. In early builds of SmartConnect 2013, the template generator would not work if your default Excel file had 3 sheets in it. To fix it you have one of 2 options.
a. Update to the newest build of SmartConnect
b. In Excel go to File – Options – General. Change the “Include this many sheets” value in the “When creating new workbooks” section of the setup to 1.
2. The second thing that can cause this is not having the “Trust access to the VBA product object model” checked in the Excel Macro settings. To fix this go into Excel, and go to File – Options – Trust Center. Then click the “Trust Center Settings…” button. Then go to the Macros Settings tab. In there check the box that says “Trust access to the VBA project object model”
3. The third thing that can cause it is not having VBA installed with Office. To check this, go to File – Options – Customize Ribbon. Check the box on the right side that says “Developer”, then click OK. Then in Excel go to the Developer tab and click on the Visual Basic button. If a “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” window opens, you have VBA installed. If the button is disabled, it means VBA is not installed. Rerun the Microsoft Office installer and choose to add VBA to the installation
4. The template builder does not work with Office 365. You must have Office 2013 or Office 2010 in order to use the template builder.

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