How to get the SQL server name to save in the SmartConnect Login Window.
1. Open the registry editor (Start – Run – Regedit)
2. Navigate to the following location:
If you are on a 32 bit machine, you have to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – Software – eOneSolutions – SmartConnect
If you are on a 64 bit machine, you have to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – Software – Wow6432Node – eOneSolutions – SmartConnect
3. Right click on the SmartConnect folder and select Permissions.
4. Hit the Add Button
5. Type in ‘Everyone’ and click on Check Names
6. Click OK
7. In the Security window, highlight the Everyone group and click on the checkbox to Allow Full Control.
The SQL Server name will now save in the SmartConnect Login window.