
Logging options in SmartConnect

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

What do the logging options mean in the ‘Options’ window in a SmartConnect map?

There are 4 available checkboxes when you go to the Options window in a SmartConnect map.

1. Log Errors – This option logs any failed documents into SmartConnect error log tables located in the company database. These tables can be used for generating reports in SmartList Builder or Crystal Report Writer. The two tables are the SC70100 and SC70200. On SmartConnect 2010 and above the logs are stored in the TraceHeader and TraceLine tables in the SmartConnect database.

2. Log Successes – This option logs successful documents into the SmartConnect error log tables. On SmartConnect 9 and 10, the two tables are the SC70100 and SC70200 in the Dynamics database. On SmartConnect 2010 and above the logs are stored in the TraceHeader and TraceLine tables in the SmartConnect database.

3. Log Source Data – This option creates a single XML document containing all the failed records from a map run. The XML file is located in the directory you specified for the ‘Error Files Path’ in SmartConnect Setup (Tools – SmartConnect – Setup). This file can be used as a data source in the ‘Process Errors’ window. (Tools – SmartConnect – Process Errors)

4. Log XML – This option logs ALL XML files generated by SmartConnect, successes and failures. There will be 1 file created for each document sent into GP from SmartConnect. The XML files will be located in the directory you specified for the ‘Error Files Path’ in SmartConnect Setup (Tools – SmartConnect – Setup).

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