Using SmartConnect 2010 on a single client machine. The machine can point at two different SQL servers by selecting a different DSN during the login process. However SmartConnect seems to only be creating maps in the initial GP instance.
The instance that SmartConnect is connecting to is specified in a config file. In the local Great Plains directory there is an AddIns folder. In the folder is a eOne.SmartConnect.GpAddin.dll.config file. Open this file up in Notepad. In there you will see a line that says:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=DS-SRV-01;initial catalog=SmartConnect;User=SmartConnect;Password=SmartConnect;packet size=4096"></add>
You need to edit the server value to point to the correct SQL instance. So in the above connection string, the SQL server is named DS-SRV-01 and Dynamics is in the default SQL instance. If your server was called DYNAMICS and your SQL instance was named GP10, then the connection string would look like this:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=DYNAMICSGP10;initial catalog=SmartConnect;User=SmartConnect;Password=SmartConnect;packet size=4096"></add>