
Cannot import maps that have been exported from SmartConnect 2010 Build 38

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When importing maps that have been exported from SmartConnect 2010 Build 38, receiving an error that says: Could not save record. Map: MAPNAME will not be imported. If you open the Windows event viewer you will see an event that says: not-null property references a null or transient valueeOne.SmartConnect.Engine.Map.RunMapAsUser

This problem is resolved in SmartConnect 2010 Build 39. If you have maps you need to import from build 38, you can correct the XML file by doing the following:
1. Open the XML file in Notepad
2. Go to Edit – Replace
3. In the “Find what” box type this: <RunMapAsUser i_nil=”true” />
4. In the “Replace with” box type this: <RunMapAsUser />
5. Click on the “Replace All” button
6. Close and save the XML file and then perform the import again. The import will run correctly.

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