
Importing large GL transaction with SmartConnect

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When importing single GL transactions with large numbers of distributions, you may encounter timeout issues with the eConnect COM+ component.

This can be resolved my manipulating the SmartConnect maps so that individual line items are considered a single transaction. Then the header of the transaction is brought in to complete the transaction. This involves creating 2 maps, one to bring in the distributions and a second to create the header information.
Steps to perform:
1. Go to Tools – SmartConnect – Node Maintenance to open up the SmartConnect Node Maintenance window.
2. Type in a new Node Type called GLLINES. Set the Display Name to GL Distributions. Set the Group to General Ledger
3. Click the Add Node Button
4. Type in taGLTransactionLineInsert and tab into the Display Name field. If you typed the Node name correctly, all the parameters should auto populate.
5. Type in GL Distributions in the Display Name and then click Save
6. Click Save on the SmartConnect Node Maintenance window and then close the window.
7. Open the Security window by going to Tools – SmartConnect – Security
8. Highlight your user, your company, and then scroll down in the All nodes window. There should be a new node at the end. Place a checkmark in the box to grant access to it and click OK to close the window.
9. Create a new SmartConnect map, you can name it anything you like
10. Pick General Ledger as the Group, pick GL Distributions as the Node Type
11. Select your Data Source and do your mapping to the GL Distributions as you would normally do. Save the map when you are done.
12. Create a second SmartConnect map, you can name it anything you like
13. Pick General Ledger as the Group and pick Transactions as the Node Type.
14. Select the same Data Source as you did for the previous map.
15. Perform the standard mapping for a GL Transaction. Only map the Create Journal Mapping, do not map anything for the Add distribution mapping. Save the map when you are done.
16. Open up your original GL Distribution map and create a Map – After – Success task and select the type of “Run Map”
17. You can name the map anything. On success, tell it to go to next step, on failure tell it to quit. In the Map ID field, select the second map you created.
18. Save and close the task.
19. Run the GL Distribution map you created. If all the distributions go in successfully, the second map should run after the first one completes.

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