
Procedure or function ‘taCreateAccountCurrencies’ expects parameter ‘@I_vAccount_Number’, which was not supplied.

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When running a SmartConnect map to create Account Currencies, receiving an error that says, “Procedure or function ‘taCreateAccountCurrencies’ expects parameter ‘@I_vAccount_Number’, which was not supplied.”

The Microsoft eConnect documentation is incorrect. It incorrect lists the account number parameter for this node as ACCATDSC, and it actually should be Account_Number Follow these steps to correct it.

1. Go to Tools – SmartConnect – Node Maintenance

2. Select GLCreateAccountCurrenciesType as the Node Type

3. Double click on the Create account currency node

4. Change the Parameter that says ACCATDSC to Account_Number (Make sure you use the same capitalization and the underscore in the name)

5. Click Save on the Add Node window and click Save on the SmartConnect Node Maintenance window. The map will run correctly now.

NOTE: On SmartConnect 2013 there is an issue with using the Node Maintenance window to change the Technical Name.  If you are on SmartConnect 2010 or above, you can run the following script in SQL Server Management Studio to make the change instead of performing the steps above.  

update SmartConnect..Field Set TechnicalName='Account_Number' where TechnicalName='ACCATDSC' and Node='taCreateAccountCurrencies'

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