
Error Number = 679 Stored Procedure taGLTransactionLineInsert Error Description = The Account Number (ACTNUMST) does not exist in the Account Index Master Table.

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When running a SmartConnect map, and bringing in the distributions, receiving an error that says “Error Number = 679 Stored Procedure taGLTransactionLineInsert Error Description = The Account Number (ACTNUMST) does not exist in the Account Index Master Table.” The accounts do exist in the company and the dashes are contained in the account string that is being integrated.

First, ensure that the map is being sent to the correct company.

1. Open the map setup window and click on the GoTo in the top right corner.

2. Select Companies from the list.

3. Double check the Company Name and SQL Instance that is selected in this window.

4. Check the company database in the SQL Server that is listed on this window to ensure the accounts exist.

If the accounts exist in the company that the map is integrating into, follow the following steps to check was is account is really being seen in the source file.

1. Open the node mapping window for the node that the account is being mapped in (the Add Distribution node for GL entries).

2. Click the Calculated fields button at the top of the window.

3. Click the plus sign to create a new calculated field.

4. Enter a name for the calculated field, and then enter the following code (remove the existing return “” statement already in the script window):

‘—beginning of script
Dim myAccount As String = _GLAccount
MessageBox.Show(“START” & myAccount & “END”)
return myAccount

‘—end of script

5. Replace the “_GLAccount” with whatever your field is named that contains the account string in it (This can be found in the menu on the left in the script window under the Source Columns section).

6. Validate and save the calculated field.

7. Map the calculated field to the parameter where the account source field had previously been mapped (the Account String parameter for GL entries).

8. Run the map. When the map runs, it will show a message box for each account that is being pulled from the source file. The string in the message box should contain “START[your account]END” all on one line and without any spaces. If there are any spaces, a line return, or any other characters in the message box, then you will need to strip them out before passing in the account string to GP. You can do this in the source file or a calculated field in the map.

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