Importing SOP transactions with taxes requires adding a sequence number to the source file in order to link the correct tax detail to the correct line item.
Taxes Use the
To use header level taxes, set the header level taxes (USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES) element to 1.
To use detailed taxes, set USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES to 0. The default value for USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES is 0. If you set USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES to 1, be aware of the following: Header level taxes only specify tax information when the line sequence element of the
To use header level taxes when the tax is set as “tax included in item price”, you must include a sequence number in the tax node. eConnect automatically creates the 0 sequence number tax layer. As a result, the tax amount is not passed to either the header or the line, and it does not reduce the document amount or the subtotal. You must manually calculate the tax amount and specify that along with the reduced sales amount in the
To simplify using “tax included in item price” you should set the CREATETAXES element of the
LNITMSEQ = 16384 /*Required-Line item sequence*/
TAXDTLID = ‘TAX IN ITEM’ /*Required-the example uses 10% tax included in item price */
SALESAMT = 454.55,
STAXAMNT = 45.45
<taSopHdrIvcInsert> TAXAMNT = 0,
SUBTOTAL = 500 /*Required*/
DOCAMNT = 500 /*Required*/
You can use header level taxes with invoices that will be posted without being transferred, or with orders that will be fully transferred to invoices and then posted. When an order is partially transferred to invoices or back orders, the tax is recalculated. There are no details with header level taxes so when taxes are recalculated on a partially transferred order, the tax information is lost and not carried forward. If you do not use the miscellaneous tax (MSCTXAMNT) and freight taxes (FRTTXAMNT) elements in the
To ensure the update recalculates taxes, include the
To use the tax engine, be aware of the following: Set the create taxes flag (CREATETAXES) element to 1 to use the tax engine. If you are integrating your own taxes, set CREATETAXES to 0. The freight tax schedule (FRTSCHID) and miscellaneous tax schedule (MSCSHID) elements mirror the tax schedule ID (TAXSCHID) element. If the default tax schedule flag (DEFTAXSCHDS) element is set to 0, you must populate the TAXSCHID, FRTSCHID, and MSCSHID elements of the