
An open operation on table ‘PT_Report_Form_TEMP’ cannot find the table.

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When running SmartConnect Maintenance (Tools – SmartConnect – System Maintenance) receiving an error that says, “An open operation on table ‘PT_Report_Form_TEMP’ cannot find the table.” When you click OK on that, and additional error opens that says this: Error SmartConnect Fill_Table_Fields_Temp of form SC_Trigger_Object The Maintenance appears to lock up at this point. Just leave the windows open until SmartConnect Maintenance finishes.

The error is the result of an eXtender temp table that is not created unless a report is being generated. You can ignore both errors, and the Maintenance will continue to run. Once the Maintenance completes, you will get a “Maintenance Complete” messages with an OK button on it. Click OK on the message, and then click OK to close the second error message that was opened.

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