
Excel 2003 Add-In for SmartConnect returns an error 404 when running it.

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When running a map via the Excel Add-in, an error 404 returns. When running the map inside of SmartConnect it runs correctly. This is when using the Excel 2003 Add-In or the old Excel 2007 Add-In,Excel 2003 Add-In for SmartConnect returns an error 404 when running it.

Make sure you have edited the eOne.SmartConnect.Office2003.ExcelAddin.dll.config sheet to point at the web service. This file will be located in the
C:Program FileseOne Integrated Business SolutionseOne SmartConnect Office 2003 Addin
There is a line inside of the config file that is 5 lines from the bottom that looks like this.
Leave the XML value tags at the beginning and end of the address. Change the address to point to the correct location of the SmartConnect web service. You should be able to paste the web address into a browser and see a SmartConnect website. If you cannot it means the website is not installed or configured incorrectly. If you are using the old Excel 2007 Add-In, we recommend downloading and installing the latest build of the Excel 2007 Add-In. In the latest build a config file is not used, and all the configuration is done inside of Excel itself. See the following KB article for information for configuring the new Add-In.

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