When launching Microsoft Dynamics GP after installing Flexicoder, receiving an error that says “You don’t have security privileges to open this window”. You may also get an additional error that says “You are not privileged to open this form”
There is a Flexicoder window named “Window 1” that is automatically opened invisibly whenever a person launches GP. This window is responsible for the recoding of transactions when a user posts or saves a transaction.
You can manually add this window to all security tasks for all users, however if you run the following script, it will add it automatically for you. If your Dynamics database is named something other than “DYNAMICS” you will need to change the database name in the script from “DYNAMICS” to whatever your Dynamics database is named.
--Begin Script
declare @var1 varchar(20)
-- Change the word DYNAMICS in the next line to be the name of your Dynamics database
declare cur cursor fast_forward for select DISTINCT(SECURITYTASKID) from DYNAMICS..SY09000
open cur
fetch cur into @var1
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
-- Change the word DYNAMICS in the next line to be the name of your Dynamics database
select @var1, 3417,22016,2
fetch cur into @var1 end
close cur deallocate cur
--End Script