How to utilize Binary Stream Multi Facility Nodes in SmartConnect.
First you must obtain and install the Multi Facility eConnect nodes from Binary Stream Software, Inc. Run the stored procedures according to the instructions supplied with the nodes. This document describes how to add the Facility ID to the GL Transaction node, however all the other nodes follow the same exact procedure. The GL node had 1 additional element that is added to the taGLTransactionHeaderInsert Node. The element is a Facility ID and it is mapped to an element called USRDEFND1.
1. Open the SmartConnect Node Maintenance window. (Open SmartConnect, go to the Maintenance tab, and click on Node Maintenance in the GP Connector pane)
2. Click on the + next to General Ledger, then click on the + next to Transactions
3. Double click on the Create Journal Node.
4. This opens the taGLTransactionHeaderInsert Node which is where the new element must be added.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and click the Add Field button this will add a blank line at the bottom of the node.
6. Type the Parameter name in theTechnical Name field. For GL Transactions, the parameter name is USRDEFND1.
6. In the Display Name field Type in Facility ID
7. For the Field Type, select String
8. Click Save to close the Create/Update Node window
9. Click Save on the GP Node Maintenance window. Close the Node Maintenance window.
When you create a GL Transaction, there will now be a new field named Facility ID at the bottom of the Node mapping window, this is where you map your Binary Stream Facility ID