
How to update to SmartConnect

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

The following are the steps to follow when upgrading to the SmartConnect This version of SmartConnect only works on Great Plains Dynamics 9.0

1. Make sure all users are logged out of GP.
2. Backup the Dynamics GP Databases, all company databases and the Dynamics database.
3. Make a note of the settings in the SmartConnect Setup window Tools – SmartConnect – Setup.
4. Uninstall eOne SmartConnect from AddRemove programs in control panel.
5. Remove the SmartConnect Web services website, if you have it installed and remove the old web site as well as old assemblies from C:WINDOWSAssembly
6. Download the latest SmartConnect Installer from the eOne website.
7. Run the SmartConnect Installer executable and install SmartConnect.
8. Delete the dictionary SMRTCONN.DIC from C:Program FilesMicrosoft DynamicsGP, after the upgrade the new dictionary SMRTCONN9.dic will be installed in this directory
9. Edit Smart Connect dictionary version to read SMRTCONN9.DIC in Dynamics.set file in the above directory
10. Launch Dynamics GP and include the new chunk.
11. Log in to Dynamics GP as sa.
12. Click Finish installing Smart Connect
13. Go to Tools – SmartConnect – Setup and make sure all the settings are as they were before upgrading (also MS CRM Settings).
14. Go to Tools – SmartConnect – System Maintenance to perform system update after the install.
15. De-register Real Time Triggers and Create GP Resource Cache options should be checked and hit process button
16. Re-register all the maps you have that are built off a CRM Real-Time (Plug-in) data source.
17. After installing the new web service verify that the impersonation user on the virtual directory is set to a user with admin rights and has been linked to a GP user.
18. On the IIS server check that the installer has registered the following dlls in C:WINDOWSAssembly: eOneSmartConnect.CRM v eOne.SmartConnect.Engine v10.0.38 eOne.SmartConnect.QueryBuilder v10.0.0.38
19. Perform an iisreset from the command prompt 20. Test all your current maps.

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