How to write SmartConnect scripts that will prompt the user for a source file name
1. Create your map using a text file that is in the same format and same location as the new text files will be placed. For now, hardcode the file name just like a normal SmartConnect map using a text file.
2. Run the map to make sure it runs.
3. Once you verify that the map runs, then add a script at the before map level (Tasks – Map – Before when you have the SmartConnect map open) Put the following script in the before event. (Copy everything from Try to end try)
Dim s As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("What is the file at c: called?","File Prompter")
GlobalFileName = s
return true
return false
end try
4. Change your source query from
“select * from mytextfile.txt
“select * from GlobalFileName
Important note: The file MUST exist in the same folder location as the original source file for the map. So if your source file was located in the C:temp directory, then all the new text files must also be in the C:temp directory in order for the above script to work.