
Install SmartList Builder into multiple Dynamics GP instances

Published: Jul 06, 2017
Post Author Written by eOne Solutions

I have multiple Dynamics GP instances on the same machine and am not able to install SmartList Builder into the other instances. Are there steps that would allow me to do accomplish this.

Follow these steps to copy the SmartList Builder files to other Dynamics GP instances on the same machine. This assumes the Dynamics GP instances are all the same version of Dynamics GP.

  • Make sure no users are attempting to log into Dynamics GP while you do this process.
  • Run a “repair” install on SmartList Builder in the main Dynamics GP instance.
    • This will put the SmartList Builder chunk file (SLBldr.cnk) into the directory again. 
  • Copy the chunk file (SLBldr.cnk) into the other Dynamics GP directories. 
  • You will also need to copy over several other dll files from the original instance to the other instances. 
  • In the main GP directory:
    • Application.SmartListBuilder.dll
  • In the Dynamics GP/Addins directory:
    • eOne.Dynamics.GP.DrillDownBuilder.Engine.dll
    • eOne.Dynamics.GP.ExcelBuilder.Engine.dll
    • eOne.Dynamincs.GP.LibraryImport.dll (for GP2015+)
    • Newtonsoft.Json.dll (for GP2015+)
    • RestSharp.dll (for GP2015+)
  • After copying those files over, log in to each Dynamics GP install(s) as the sa user
    • You may have to right-click and choose Run as Administrator to properly merge the dictionaries depending on your specific environment.
    • The chunk file will merge, and then the tables will automatically create as you login into the other installations.

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