One question we receive nearly every SmartConnect demo is “How easy is it to import/export my maps?” If you’re using the SmartConnect integration templates, putting together your own integration offering, or simply looking to move your map configurations from one environment to another (perhaps test/dev to production), then this is a very important consideration.
To make this an easy process, SmartConnect offers simple import and an export wizards that allow you to handle this.
Exporting SmartConnect Maps and Configurations
In the maintenance tab, click Export.
As you’ll see, you can export all or some of your maps, connector objects, constants, real-time data sources, translation tables, templates, user variables, and default connections. At the top of the SmartConnect Export window, you’d specify the file to which you’d like to export these items, and when you check the “Create separate files” (this is optional), it will create a separate file for each map export.
Next, click the Export button to complete your export of your SmartConnect maps and configurations.
Importing SmartConnect Maps and Configurations
When you’re importing maps, in the Maintenance tab, click the Import Wizard button. You may either download SmartConnect integration template maps from the eOne Solutions website or you can select your file path to access the file of SmartConnect maps.
When you click, “Next”, then check the boxes to note what you’d like to import. As you’ll see, you have the ability to import maps, connector objects, real-time data sources, translation tables, templates (email templates, scripting templates, etc.), user variables, and default connections.
Then, click “Next” to confirm and process the import.
Once you click “Finish”, you’ll see the SmartConnect entities you had originally selected (maps, connector objects, real-time data sources, translation tables, templates, user variables, and default connections) in SmartConnect.
**Keep in mind that if you are also using the SmartConnect REST Web Service Connector, you must import/export the service provider configurations separately.
To learn more about exporting and importing your SmartConnect objects and maps, visit the SmartConnect Manual, which is available here.