
How to uninstall SmartView Internal

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

How do I completely uninstall SmartView Internal?

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  1. In File Explorer (Right-click the Start Button and choose File Explorer), go to the local Microsoft Dynamics GP install folder. NOTE: The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\.
  2. Right-click the Dynamics.set file and choose Copy.
  3. Paste the Dynamics.set to another location, such as the Desktop to create a backup.
  4. Right-click the Dynamics.set file in the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder and choose Edit.
  5. Reduce the top number by one. For example, if the top number is 26 reduce the number to 25.
  6. Remove the following information in the Dynamics.set file.
    • 4700
    • SmartView
    • :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/SMRTVIEW.DIC
    • :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/F4700.DIC
    • :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/R4700.DIC
  7. Choose File – Save.
  8. Close the Dynamics.set file.
  9. Browse into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\AddIns folder
  10. Rename or delete the following files. If renaming, change the “.dll” extension to something like “.old” so that Windows and GP don’t find it.
    • eOne.Dynamics.GP.SmartView.dll
    • eOne.SmartView.AgedTrialBalanceOptions.dll
  11. Browse into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\ folder.
  12. Rename or delete the following files. If renaming, change the “.dll” extension to something like “.old” so that Windows and GP don’t find it.
    • Application.SmartView.dll
    • SMRTVIEW.dic
    • SMRTVIEW.vba (if present)

Now SmartView is completely uninstalled.

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