If you are using SmartConnect 20.16 or newer, eOne has automatically included the nodes for creating intercompany distributions. We will walk through the setup of a standard General Ledger Transaction integration with the one additional step of including the Intercompany mapping. Please note, this does not allow for Multi-Currency transactions with Intercompany distributions.
To start the mapping, I downloaded our sample GP map, GL Transactions and will make a few adjustments to the source and the mapping.
Intercompany Data
Several changes are required for the default data source to accommodate the Intercompany Distribution requirements. Your source may already have some or all of these values.
- Changed the column GLACCTINDX to GLAccountNumber and put the desired GL Account Number in my source. That GL Account Number would be the account that exists in the distribution company, in this case my TWO company or my GP1 company.
Added a DistributionSequence column since that is a required value when mapping the Intercompany Distributions.
- If you do not have a distribution sequence in the source file, you can follow this blog to generate a sequence number. http://www.eonesolutions.com/blog-post/tech-tuesday-line-sequence-numbering/
- Added a new column for the ICCompany value where I place the database name of the destination company for that distribution.
Added a new column called ICTrx with a 1 representing this transaction as Intercompany and a 0 as not intercompany.
- We will leave the IC Column blank for any distribution that is going to the main company.
Holding Account
Since Dynamics GP eConnect doesn’t allow for Intercompany Distributions, the only account we can map are ones that exist in the Transaction Header company.
To get around this issue, I will go into Dynamics GP and create at least one account in each company that is the same so when the standard eConnect node runs, we do not receive the Missing Account error. The account number I like to use is 999-9999-99. This format will be the same as your GP Account Format.
Once we know our Intercompany Holding Account, we map that Holding Account in our Add Distribution node mapping.
Add Distribution Mapping
If each Company has the same account format, you can use a Local Constant for mapping or you can create a calculated field to set the holding account for each Intercompany Distribution as well. I am using a Calculated Field even though it will be the same account for each company distribution.
Go to Additional Columns->Calculated
Map the HOLDING_ACCOUNT_CALC field we just created to the Account Number field. This way, when the Intercompany Distribution is mapped, the stored procedure will know to replace this account with the Intercompany Account.
Create Journal Mapping
There are no changes required to the Create journal mapping to account for Intercompany Transactions.
eOne GL Intercompany Header Mapping
Batch Number – Use the same value as mapped on the Create Journal node.
Batch Source – Value will always be GL_Normal
Journal Entry – Use the same value as mapped on the Create Journal node.
IC TRX – Use a value of 1 (TRUE) if the Voucher will have an Intercompany distribution. Use a value of 0 (FALSE) if the Voucher will not have any Intercompany distributions. You can use a column from the data source or a calculation.
Update if exists – Will always be 1 (TRUE)
The Group data option and Group On fields should match the values used on the Create Journal node as well. This goes for any Restrictions that may have been set at the node mapping level. Any difference may result in unexpected results.
Since we have a transaction that is not intercompany, we will use the Restriction to prevent this node from being executed.
Intercompany Distribution Mapping
Journal Entry – Use the same value as mapped on the Add Distribution node.
Sequence Line – Use the same value as mapped on the Add Distribution node.
Intercompany ID – This will be the company destination for this distribution. We can set this to the main company if needed.
Update if exists – Will always be 1 (TRUE)
Holding Account – Use the same value or calculation used on the Add Distribution node
Account String – Use the desired Account Number that will exist in the Intercompany company.
The Group data option and Group On fields should match the values used on the Add Distribution node as well. If there are any Restrictions on the Add Distribution node, the same rule should apply here.
Now, when running the integration, we will have a mixture of standard Journal Entries and Intercompany Journal Entries.
NOTE: The intercompany integration does not handle multi-currency distributions