
Frequently Asked Questions about the SmartList Builder Self Paced Training

Published: Jun 16, 2017
Post Author Written by Nicole Albertson

General Questions: 

What is the layout of the training?

The training is divided into many sections so that you can complete it as you have time.  In each section, you will find a video to watch and learn about a feature in SmartList Builder.  After you complete the video, most sections have an exercise or two to complete on your own if you would like.  There is also a video recorded of each exercise being completed for you if you need it for reference.

Can I save my place in the training so I can start back up where I left off?

The training manual and videos will allow you to move around to which ever section you wish.  You will just want to note somewhere as to where you left off.  If you are using the provided training environment to complete the labs, that image is reset when you exit the training environment provided.  You can export your setup from the training environment if you would like.  Otherwise, because the exercises in each section build off of the previous one, you can import the appropriate setup that is provided for each exercise so that you don’t lose all the progress made.  You will find the steps to do this at the beginning of each exercise.

What version of SmartList Builder is used for the training?

The training is currently built with the eOne version of SmartList Builder 2016.  The training will work just fine on newer and older releases of SmartList Builder.  There just may be a few of the new features that aren’t available in the older releases.  The training should note when features are new.

Does each user get their own login to the training?

Each user will need to be setup in eOne’s system to create their login to the training site.  To setup additional users, please e-mail

Is there a Certificate of Completion for the users?

The training does not include a Certificate of Completion as we don’t have a way to verify that the entire training has been completed by the trainee.  If you need something like this, please contact the eOne sales team at and we can work with you on a one off basis.  We do offer a SmartList Builder Certification after the training if you are interested in becoming certified on SmartList Builder.  For more information on the certification, please e-mail our training team at

How long does it take to complete the training?

The training videos included are about 4 hours 25 minutes long.  There are 53 exercises included in the training.  Some will just take a minute or two, but others may take longer to complete.  We estimate the average is around 10 minutes for a novice user.  If you choose to watch the videos of the exercises being completed, that takes about 2 hour 45 minutes.  With all that being said, for a novice user, the training may take around 8-10 hours to complete in full.

Is there a trial version of the training?

There currently isn’t a trial version of the training.  Please let the sales team know if you need more information about the training by e-mailing


Do I have to use my Microsoft Dynamics GP installation to complete the exercises?

There is a training environment provided that you can connect to and use to complete the exercises.  You may also use your Microsoft Dynamics GP environment to complete the exercises if you would like.  They are designed to run in the Fabrikam, Inc. company, but you could alter them as needed for your own companies.   The modifications you would have to account for would be around features such as restrictions and being registered for the appropriate modules.  The release of Microsoft Dynamics GP and SmartList Builder that you currently have loaded may also come into play.  The training is currently written for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016, but will all work in 2015 as well.  Some of the training features would not be available in 2010 and 2013.

Can I reset the exercise environment if I want to start again fresh?

The environment will refresh every time you close out of it.

What other training options are available outside of the Self Paced Training?

For SmartList Builder, eOne currently offers a custom online and onsite training that can be tailored to fit your needs.  For more information on any of these trainings, please contact the eOne Sales team at

Who can I contact if I have issues when going through the training?

If you have any questions when completing the training or encounter any issues with the training, you can e-mail training@eonesolutions.comand they will be happy to assist you.  Please also let the training team know if you have any suggestions on how to improve the training or about other trainings you would like to see as self-paced.

Who can I contact for more information about the training?

Please let the sales team know if you need more information about the training by e-mailing

System Requirements:

What is used to play the videos?

The videos are being played from YouTube, so if you are having trouble viewing them in the lightbox that pops up within this guide, you can use the link to view them on YouTube as well.  The videos are not listed on the eOne YouTube channel and are only available through the link in the training.

What Internet Browsers are supported for the training?

The training manual should display in most any browser although the layout may be a little off in older browsers.  The videos are all hosted on YouTube, so as long as your browser is able to view videos there, it should work for the videos.  With the hosted exercise environment, there are several browsers supported.  Please see the following site from the provider hosting the environment on their requirements:  Connectivity Requirements (

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